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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Letting go of Santa Claus


Fantasy is something that brings a great deal of joy to many- young and old. It can bring hope to those without it, but it can also keep many from facing reality.

Use it with caution, and in a video game obsessed world that makes it easy to control other peoples actions realize that this is not real- or right.

So, I challenge you. Take that fantasy in the back of your mind and lay it out. Is it feasible? Are you working for it? Must you manipulate people in order for this to happen? Does it account for others feelings and desires?

Your fantasy might be a near by reality, or it may be a scheme that disregards others free will. But you need to really look it. And nine times out of ten, you need to forget about it. Life is much more exciting and invigorating when you let life happen.

As a 11 year old I listed reason after reason as to why Santa Claus existed. I couldn't let go. He had been too good to me. I had been selfishly satisfied and figured others felt the same way. I learned the truth while my mom was teaching my religion class- and I learned how painful Christmas can be for others when volunteering at a soup kitchen a few years later.

I let go of that fantasy, and I liked Christmas much more as a result. Its not easy to do, but you will be a better person for it.

take care